Franco-Canadian Cyanide Studio continues to move to the wide gaming masses of the Hardcore desktop game Confrontation. At first there was the same and not too successful tactical RPG based on the motives, then more decent and licked Aarklash: Legacy. And now the developers decided to master the now popular conventionally paid format-this is how the project appeared Dogs of War Online.
Tell me what path you chose and I will say who you are
However, the genre remained the same – this is still the same mixture of tactical strategy and RPG, where the player controls the detachment of the fighters entrusted to him and fights with enemies, correctly using the skills and specialization of each of the wards. The difference (and quite significant) is that if in Confrontation And Aarklash: Legacy We alternated real time and “pause”, then in Dogs of War Online you have to fight exclusively in step -by -step mode.
But first, each player must decide on a group of mercenaries. Three fractions are given to choose from. The way of light is the people of the kingdom of Alakhan, who have many devout monks, archers and brave knights. The path of fate is personified by the army of tungsten – these are such local orcs, wild and ferocious, who bet on strength and close battle. Finally, necromancers and black paladins of baronism Aheron, who intimidate, curse their opponents and lower the living dead are responsible for the path of darkness.
This does not mean that all the time you need to fight only one team of 3-4 “units”, which are originally available. Glory glasses are earned in the battles. And the more there are, the more opportunities. So, at a certain level of glory, they will allow to unlock the second, and then the third slot for the commands of the mercenaries. That is, theoretically, you can have all three fractions at your disposal, and you yourself will decide which to fight next time, trying different options and strategies. New “units” and slots for them also become available gradually, allowing them to expand the composition of their gang – in the fights of high -level players can participate and 10 to 15 fighters on each side.
Faithful, involved and stunned
Naturally, your wards develop in fights. They receive new levels, spells, active and passive skills: so, Alakhan archer will learn a targeted shot that causes critical damage, and a warrior – a powerful impact that ignores protection, or skill that allows you to better avoid distance attacks.
However, actually “pumping” in Dogs of War Online does not overshadow everything else, as in many “free” games. Still, the main thing here is the battles themselves, which are completely and completely built on the mechanics of the original stitch and take into account simply an indecent number of all kinds of nuances. For example, if an enemy is coming to your archer, then the shooter will be considered “involved” in a fight with him and when trying to move to a certain distance can be automatically attacked. And if he also misses a blow, then, most likely, he will be stunned or frightened, which reduces accuracy. It is also interesting that with a remote attack, an archer can accidentally hurt his own on the line of fire. And also mercenaries with severe damage receive different injuries – this reduces their characteristics.
Each fighter, in addition to the general indicators of damage, endurance, accuracy, has also individual characteristics: for example, some tolfrenes scare opponents with one appearance, others at the expense of the “ruthless” effect stun the opponents with any attack. But the living dead are initially immune to fear and poisoning. In addition, there are unique “units”: for example, faithful, in which the volume of mana for spells depends on the number of opponents or allies who are in sight. Or monahi warriors: they can conjure and beat with cold weapons in one move.
Step by step
All this is plus the traditional rules of any tactics (“tanks” ahead, cover archers, magicians heal in time) in Dogs of War Online superimposed on a step -by -step system of battle. That is, it is important to competently dispose of each move – is it worth it, for example, to spend all the points on the movement, losing the attack and leaving the shooter without defense, or is it better to give the initiative to the opponent, letting him closer?
We have to take into account the features of the area: on the maps there are areas where you can hide from distance attacks or arrange an ambush. And additional stones or swamp are spent on the sand, stones or swamp. At the same time, you do not move all your soldiers at once, and then wait, when the opponent will do the same – your and enemy mercenaries go strictly in turn, one after another. And this, of course, gives an additional tactical depth, forcing flexibly react to a constantly changing situation.
Despite the fact that it is an online step -by -step tactics, the game looks very pretty and modern.
The second important feature is that during each course it is allowed to give special orders, the number of
which is also limited. For example, the order to take a defensive rack will give the ward an additional chance to repel the blow, but will deprive him of an attack on this move. And the attacking stand, on the contrary, gives an additional blow, but reduces the reflection to zero. In addition to the common, each faction also has its own, unique orders. So, “Divine mercy” is available to people, increasing the accuracy of the attack. And tungsten – “natural selection”, giving a bonus to the damage.
Money nothing – all experience!
We all perfectly imagine what underwater stones could arise at such a game. Firstly, it is excessive slowness of battles when you are forced to wait a long time for the opponent’s course. But the authors deftly solved this problem: a certain number of moves are given to the battle, and each of them is limited in time.
Secondly, there was a danger that in Dogs of War Online, As in many conditionally paying projects, everything will be decided not your tactical skill, but the size of the wallet. However, for today, Donata is actually not in the game. Most of the “goods” in a local store (including new “units”, treatment cards that relieve injuries from fighters, and special items that allow you to paint and change the names of the wards) can be bought not only for special gold currency (cyano are purchased for “living” money)but also for the usual ducats that you earn in the battles.
Yes, only for cyano it is allowed to buy fully formed decks of especially powerful mercenaries, but in this case you will fight with the same opponents in strength – which means that you will again have to think with your head. The “boosters” familiar to such games that increase the increase in experience and money are not sold here at all – but you will receive such bonuses if you win several matches in a row.
In fact, the only problem for today Dogs of War Online – Small amount of content at the start. At first you can fight on one or two cards in the “wall on the wall” mode. And new cards open at 8, 12 and 16 levels of glory. Later, two other modes are also available – “King of the Mountain” and “Hunting for VIP”. On the other hand, you can always train with bots.
Dukats can be earned outside the battles – by sending a mercenary to one of the missions, the results of which after a while are calculated automatically.
Many of us have already formed the opinion that almost all conventionally paying games are designed for those who have nowhere to put extra money (or time). Dogs of War Online at once refutes this statement. This is a complex, multi -level tactic, which you can play and have fun without spending a penny.
Pros: fascinating and complex battles;deep role system;Lack of tough “Donat”.
Cons: A small number of cards and modes at the start.